Insta Minator Review

Hey, Erlend here, thanks for checking out my Insta Minator Review.
Insta Minator (very strange name, I know) is a new course from Mosh Bari and Jason Fulton which teaches the new 2018 way to build an audience and mass contact that audience. Open rates are dropping and people are becoming less responsive to emails.
What You Will Learn:
Inside Insta Minator you are going to learn how to send mass traffic to Facebook chat bots where people sign up to your chat bot list. Once, this allows you to send broadcast messages to everyone that is on your chat bot list at. The open rates are HUGE and so are the conversions into sales for you.
It also shows you how to build your push notifications lists where you can then send push notifications to people that are on that list.
These 2 methods are the future of list building and promoting to your audience.
Usually chat bots and push notifications come with a monthly fee but Mosh and Jason show you a way to get it 100% free.
This is one of the best systems to convert your messages around the web. No autoresponder needed, no listbuilding, just grow your fan or followers. You then send them messages thru messenger bords on site. Free and very useful since this is where people are these days.
I would definately recommend this for everyone that marked online.

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